Thursday, April 18, 2013


It hurts to look around me and see the pain and suffering going on in the world and around me. Yes, I have my share of trials and heartaches, but seeing others go through it brings me pain as well.

Why do we have pain? Why is there darkness and hurt and fear?

The answers are not always easy to accept, but can easily be found through the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we didn't have bad, we could never know good. If we never had pain, we would never fully appreciate the happy and care-free times we experience. Our Heavenly Father gave us agency, but every action we make comes with a consequence -whether good or bad.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Even if we are making good choices and trying to be righteous, bad things can still happen. I think it boils down to (1) we sometimes might suffer as a result of someone else's poor choices -agency again, and (2) if Heavenly Father saved us from ever experiencing bad things then we would never truly learn and grow.

Easier said than done.

As I stated before, infertility is one of my pains right now. It hurts. It's really hard when every time I log on facebook I am faced with more and more friends either giving birth and/or announcing they're pregnant.

Just the other day one of my close friends told me she was expecting her second. As much as it hurt -because it took her so little time to concieve and I want what she has so badly -I AM happy for her. Just because I have pain does not mean I can't celebrate with my friends' good news.

I am glad I did.

I just found out today that that dear friend of mine lost her baby 2 days ago. She was 14 and a half weeks along, and thought she was out of danger of the miscarriage stage.

My heart broke.

Even though I can't seem to have another child, I would never wish anything like this upon her! I can't imagine the pain she is experiencing right now. To find out you're pregnant, start planning and hoping for the future life inside of you, only to find out the ugly truth that this child will not ever be born. To me (and to her) it doesn't matter that the baby was not fully formed, or that they couldn't tell the gender yet.

That life was still there -she heard that baby's heart beat only 2 weeks earlier.

I can only be grateful for eternal families. Families are forever! Someday my friend will get to know her lost little one.

All will be made right, thanks again to a dear and loving Heavenly Father who knows and loves us beyond all else.

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